Dancing With Flogger
March 18th, 2023
11am - 5pm
Lola (Dachraum)- Lothringerstrasse 63, 4056 Basel - Switzerland
We are going to glimpse in the world of conscious flogging, and sensations processing from receiving impact. We will explore the relationship between you and the power of the flogger, you and your partner, and the space ''in between'' in which a magic happen, if you dare to enter. Let's have a closer look how a direct impact on the body can deepen our body awareness, and how breath, movement and sound can enhance the bodily sensations as well as to intensify the flow of energy in the body. Nudity is optional.
The workshop is open to people with any sexual preferences and skill levels. They are equally suitable for those participating alone or with a partner. Come as individuals or in pairs/trios/groups.
Three different prices are offered. For lower incomers, regular incomes and higher incomers.
I would like to make my work accessible to lower incomers and in order to do that I have cordially added a support price for those with higher income to support the lower incomers.
Moreover, my needs lay in having my energy and work I put into organising and facilitating my events valued, along my needs for sustainability acknowledged.
Nevertheless, I still would like to make my work accessible to all and financial reasons should not be the issues to not come. If you cannot pay any of my suggested prices feel free to contact me.
Early Bird Price (until Feb 22nd):
Low income: 70chf
Standard price: 90chf
Supporting price: 130chf
After Feb 22nd
Low income: 80chf
Standard Price: 110chf
Supporting Price: 160chf
Special Offer: 50% OFF for you when you bring a friend
PLEASE NOTE: Places are limited and registration is compulsory.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any additional information.
Feel free to get in touch shall you have any question.
Cancellation policies :
In the event of me cancelling for whatever reason, your workshop fee will be 100% refunded.
If you cancel for whatever reason, your financial contribution is non-refundable but transferable to another person you find to attend this workshop instead of you.
I hope this goes some way to acknowledging your needs and my needs around sustainability.