Kinky Wellbeing Massage & Through Anus to the Heart
August 7th - 8th 2021
Both days 10am - 6pm
ThePlace2BE, Auf Der Lyss 16, 4051 Basel
This workshop invites you for a conscious and explorational weekend of kinky wellbeing. It is fun and deep in all its assets.
First day, we will look at a different fashion of touch. You will work with your partner exploring variety of touches on body first and then slowly begin exploring it on your partner´s genitals using your hands and other tools such as little ropes, pegs, dildos just to name a few. There is a technical aspect of this workshop which is important to know in order to play safe.
An invitation to you: let’s not stay on a single functionality of objects but rather explore their multi functionality.
The second day, we will mindfully connect two essential places in our body; the anus and the heart. They are often forgotten or look at through fingers. There, we are going to create an energetic connection which facilitate the process of generating a positive relationship to our ´´back side´´ which can liberate us from a conditioned shame, fear and pain inherited from living in our society, our formed preconceptions and judgments.
You are going to experience both dynamic of giving as well as receiving. Learning and practising open and constructive feed backing in between you and your partner is an essential part of this workshop.
Who is it for? - for everyone who is curious, interested in reflective kinky practices and self developmental work.
Come with a friend/partner/lover. If you do not have one let me know and I try to organise a work-body for you (for a fee of 150chf per day).
Early Bird Price - 190chf per person (until July 18th)
Regular Price - 240chf per person
I would like to make my work accessible to all and financial reasons should not be the issues to not come. If you cannot pay feel free to contact me.
This workshop is limited to 12 participant.
PLEASE NOTE: Places are limited and registration is compulsory.
Feel free to get in touch shall you have any question.