The Mouth
Jan 4th, 2020
1.30pm - 4.30pm
ThePlace2BE - Auf Der Lyss 16, Basel, Switzerland
What does your mouth mean to you? How much are you aware of it? Do you use its full potential? Can you imagine your life without it? I would like to invite you for a 3h workshop in which we first engage in a discussion and then dive into the mouth/jaw exploration. We will be looking at various faculties such significant body entrance and exit point has to offer, relaxation techniques, bitting, sucking, kissing, and dragging.
This workshop is open to people with any sexual preferences and skill levels. They are equally suitable for those participating alone or with a partner. Come as individuals or in pairs/trios/groups.
Price - 40CHF
1 + 1 = Bring a friend and pay only for 1 person.
If you cannot pay due to your financial situation is not allowing it, write me. I would like to make this work accessible to as many people as possible and financial matters should not be the problem. This system is based on trust.
Be aware your registration is only valid after receiving your payment. Space are limited.